Please read the following carefully.
- Dress Code: While volunteering, casual clothing, no graphic logo’s or designs. For your safety, you should
wear closed-toed & non-slip shoes and should not wear dangling jewelry. Please accept that you
clothing and shoes may become damaged and/or dirty while volunteering.
- Euthanasia: Kiya Koda is a no-kill organizaon. However, at mes, an animal must be humanely
euthanized due to its obvious suffering, or if an animal is so aggressive as to put Kiya Koda staff and
volunteers in significant danger. No animal is ever euthanized due to space or me consideraons.
- Property: Anything donated on behalf of Kiya Koda becomes the property of Kiya Koda. No
compensaon should be expected by any volunteer.
- Injury & Illness:Working with animals may be dangerous and lead to serious injury, illness, or even
death. As a volunteer you understand and agree to personally assume any and all of the liability and risk
associated with volunteering for Kiya Koda. Further, each volunteer agrees to hold harmless Kiya Koda,
its directors, officers, agents, employees and other volunteers from any responsibility or liability for any
and all illness, injuries, or death which may occur as direct or proximate result of their involvement with
Kiya Koda Humane Society.
- Tetanus Shot: Kiya Koda recommends a volunteer be current on their tetanus shot. Alternavely, the
volunteer acknowledges that failure to acquire and remain current on a Tetanus vaccinaon may put the
volunteer at risk and hereby agrees to hold harmless Kiya Koda, its directors, officers, agents, employees
and volunteers from any responsibility or liability for any and all illness, injuries, or death as a result
Please read the following carefully.
As a volunteer, I am expected to:
- Conduct myself in a professional manner at all mes when involved in Kiya Koda acvies.
- Perform my tasks under the guidelines established within the job descripon for that task.
- Report any abusive behavior in the Rescue to the appropriate staff person.
- Adhere to all established policies and procedures.
- Wear a volunteer badge at all mes when working at the shelter or other shelter activities.
As a volunteer, I understand and agree that:
- I am providing my services in a volunteer capacity without any expressed or implied promise of
salary or employment benefits.
- Using or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs is prohibited while volunteering.
- Staff members may not be contacted at their homes unless otherwise directed to do so by that
staff member.
- Verbal or physical abuse to shelter volunteers or staff will not be tolerated.
- My volunteer involvement may be terminated if I do not meet my commitment in an
appropriate manner, or otherwise fail to adhere to the guidelines outlined on this form.
As a volunteer working with the dogs or cats, I am expected to:
- Treat the animals with respect and kindness
- Report animal injuries, illness or behavior concerns to a staff member.
- Never handle an animal that makes me feel uncomfortable. I will not put myself, the animal or
others at risk.
- Follow all posted instrucons in animal care areas. This includes not entering a restricted area,
such as the quaranne room, without permission.